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Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Btech JNTU-HYD 4-2 Advance Supply Exam Result (Ro5,R07,R09 )

Btech/B.Pharmacy  JNTU-HYD 4-2 Advance Supply Exam Result (Ro5,R07,R09 ) July 2012 will be Released

 B.Tech 4-2 Semester (RR) Results - June 2012

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B.Tech 4-2 Semester (R05) Results - June 2012

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B.Tech 4-2 Semester (R07) Results - June 2012

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B.Pharmacy 4-2 Semester (NR) Results - June 2012

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B.Pharmacy 4-2 Semester (R07) Results - June 2012

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Saturday, 28 July 2012

B.Tech 1st Year R05 R07 R09 JNTU-HYD REGULAR/SUPPLY Result From May/june 2012

B.Tech 1st Year R05 R07 R09 JNTU-HYD REGULAR/SUPPLY Result  From May/june 2012

B.Tech 1st Year R05 Results - May/June 2012 

B.Tech 1st Year R05 Results-Click Here 1  

B.Tech 1st Year R07 Results - May/June 2012 

B.Tech 1st Year R07 Results- Click Here 2

B.Tech 1st Year R09 Results - May/June 2012

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Thursday, 2 February 2012

DSC Teachers 21343 Jobs NOTIFICATION RELEASED 31st January 2012

DSC Teachers 21343 Jobs NOTIFICATION RELEASED 31st January 2012: Dsc Notification has Released for 2012 by AP Government. DSC teacher ecruitment notification to fill 21343 teachers' posts in government schools ...

B.Tech IV Year I Semester Results - Dec, 2011 R07

B.Tech HYD IV Year I Semester Results - Dec, 2011 R07
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B.Tech HYD IV Year I Semester Results - Dec, 2011 R05


B.Tech HYD IV Year I Semester Results - Dec, 2011 RR


Tuesday, 24 January 2012

History Of Republic day 2012

History Of Republic day 2012

While India gained its independence on August 15, 1947, she was under the permanent constitution, but laws are based on the Government amended the Act in 1935 colonial India and the country was a dominion, with George VI as head of state and Earl Mountbatten as Governor General. On 28 August 1947 of the Drafting Committee was appointed to draft a permanent constitution, with Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar as Chairman. While the Independence Day of India celebrated its independence from British rule, the Day of the Republic welcomes the entry into force of its constitution.

A draft constitution prepared by the Committee and submitted to the Assembly on November 4, 1947. The Assembly met in public sessions to 166 days, spread over a period of 2 years, 11 months and 18 days before the adoption of the Constitution. After many deliberations and some modifications, the 308 deputies of the Assembly signed two hand written copies of the document (one in Hindi and English) on January 24, 1950. Two days later, the Constitution of India became the law of all Indian lands. The Constitution of India was adopted on November 26, 1949, 10.18 pm EDT, but the full entry into force only on 26 January 1950.After the election on January 21, 1950, Rajendra Prasad was elected as the president of India. Indian National Congress and elsewhere had been celebrating January 26 as a symbol of independence, even before India became independent in fact. Therefore, the application of the Constitution on January 26, due to the respect and January 26 and the struggle for freedom and the freedom fighters.
Amending mechanism was lauded even at the time of introduction of Ambedkar with the following words: "Therefore we can safely say that the Indian federation does not suffer from the failures of the rigidity or legalism Its distinguished feature is that it is a federation flexible ..

  16 January 1950 was one of the most important days of Native history as it was on this day India became a truly sovereign state and the Constitution of India came into force. While India gained independence fromBritish rule August 15, 1947 - an occasion marked with celebrations of Independence Day every year, while the establishment of the Republic actually has its roots in the Lahore Session of the Indian National Congress at midnight on December 31, 1929-January 1930 when the first tricolor flag was unfurled by the nationalists and the commitment each year take on 26 January, "Independence Day is celebrated andpeople will strive unceasingly the establishment of a sovereign democratic republic India. the professed commitment was successfully rescued January 26, 1950, when the Constitution of India framed by the Constituent Assembly of India came into force, despite the independence from British rule was reached onAugust 15, 1947.

Thursday, 5 January 2012

G'Five mobile handset Is Biggest manufacture having Low prices up to Rs.1000/

G'Five Mobile Introducing more number of feature with projector as low as Rs.1000.G'Five mobile phone maker announced today that it has reduced prices of between 10-30 per cent across the Commission against the trend of rate hikes competitors because depreciation of rupee.

"G'Five is one of the largest manufacture of mobile handsets in China. Unlike other companies, we do not have to buy a third party. Even if the value of the depreciating rupee has certainly affected our margins but we are considering slashing prices for large volume business, "managing director Kingtech Electronics, a subsidiary of G'Five, Pathak told PTI Arshit.
He said that company has reduced prices for each model and the lowest price is below Rs 1000 and top model company is in range of Rs 4500.

"Our phone has the lower end camera, 1.8 inch screen, music player phones have others. There prices were below Rs 1000. Call us a top end phone projector which was earlier price of Rs 6000 and now we sell Rs 4500, "said Pathak.

Nokia Lumia phones is Connected,3G data with Vodafone, Airtel & get 2GB Free Data

Stay Connected With Nokia Lumia Phone .Vodafone has tied up with Nokia to offer free 3G data is 2 GB for four months to purchasers of Lumia Nokia 710 and 800 phones. The same proposal is available for Airtel users.The measure aims to bump the sale of mobile Phone for Windows 7.5-based environment that have been launched recently.

Lumia Nokia 710 is priced at Rs 20,000 while the Lumia 800 sells for Rs 30,000. People who are interested in the offer may walk in the store Vodafone, Airtel Nokia store or stores to buy these phones. Users both new and old Vodafone and Airtel may offer available.
The offer is nothing new as most operators have these deals on various mobile phones such as Tata Docomo, which such an offer on the BlackBerry Curve, Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc S and others.
Vodafone also offers discounts for 3G data users Explorer HTC where they receive double the 3G data for what they pay. There are several phones from Samsung, Nokia and BlackBerry is available with 1 GB of free data to 3 GB you can buy Vodafone stores.
Likewise Airtel offers similar benefits to buyers of some models, such as the tablet BeeTel Magiq (2GB data for two months), Nokia N8 etc. Reliance Communications and Aircel in the same way also have similar offerings.
The movement may not be unique, but it will certainly ensure better visibility of telephones on the front store may also result in more sales.

Aakash tablets 14 lakh Cheapest Mobile booked in 14 days

Woow Amazing Offer for Indians,Lets move to get Aakash Tablet rush away to get it.The new year may be a year of low-cost computing in India. Reservations Sales less compressed in the world, Aakash, reached the 14 lakh units of only two weeks after he was set to sell online for Rs 2500 a piece.

To address the "unexpected" demand Datawind UK suppliers, the manufacturer of the shelf $ 35, decided to establish three new plants - in Cochin, Noida and Hyderabad - in the first half of 2012 to bring together the tablet. Datawind has currently only one plant in Hyderabad, with its quad supplier, which makes the LCD screen to the tablet.

"We never expected such a response rate of buyers in both corporate and individual. We expect to provide 70.000 to 75.000 units per day, once the plants are in place in April," Suneet Singh Tuli, CEO, hE said Datawind of Panama, where he was invited to advise the government on its proposed low-cost computer.

Deepika Padukone's Birthday celebration At Home

Deepika Padukone's Birthday celebration At Home,Bollywood Heroine today stunning, large dimpled beauty will blow a candle to his cake extra special, one of his family and close friends. Deepika Padukone, who turns 26 today, plans to celebrate its new home at his own sweet home. Call it "dream home" she says Deepika Worli his new home is a gift itself.

Although the food is a favorite activity of pigs on welcoming the day, sources revealed the diva could secretly visit Siddhivinayak temple with her parents.

After three films in hand - "Race 2 As Cocktail" and Yeh Jawani Hai Deewana - Deepika is also very excited for all of them. Although the first two films will have its "Love Aaj Kal 'co-star Saif Ali Khan, the third is her ex-beau Ranbir Kapoor to." Yeh Jawani' is the film that is a favorite among the poor of the fact languesétant that brings together fans of the former. Deeply forward to working with Dharma Productions, Deepika told sources that same time, she is nervous to share the screen with Ranbir for his fabulous performance in "Rockstar", which makes raise expectations and competition from both. But she added that there will be no room for awkwardness between them since they were maintaining the friendship.

Auto Expo 2012: Car makers the world leader shoved space

The global auto makers scrambling for space at the Auto Expo 11 will begin Thursday, eyeing a market that has slowed sharply, but remains a hot spot depressed compared to Western economies.

Exhibition, held every two years, has grown in stature according to interests in the economy, what is expected by economists to expand by 7.0 percent this fiscal year, despite a recent slowdown.

"We see now that one of the most important events on the calendar," Ford Asia Pacifiqueprésidente Joe Hinrichs, said Wednesday, adding that the group should largely supported by India the market for the world's third-largest in 2020.

Virat Kohli As India cricket fined for obscene gesture

Kohli responded to the mockery of a part of the Sydney Cricket Ground crowd by raising the middle finger.

He pleaded guilty to the match referee, but claimed he was provoked.

"Cricketers should not retaliate. [But] the crowd said the worst things about your mother's sister.The worst thing I've heard," he tweeted.

Best referee Ranjan Madugalle Kohli found guilty of second-level offense under the Code of Conduct International Cricket Council.